hi, i’m claire!

It is so wonderful to have you here.

I am a queer therapist for queer couples and individuals in Dallas, TX! I provide both virtual and in-person talk therapy sessions from my office in Highland Park, TX. My specialty areas are queer relationships, folks who identify as trans or gender non-conforming, and classical musicians.

I believe that you deserve a space to be seen for exactly who you are, honor the voice of your intuition, and gain a supportive perspective.
and that’s exactly why I’m here.


frequently asked questions


frequently asked questions 〰️

  • YOU are the only person who can answer this question! But I can give you some ideas:

    Therapy is helpful for folks who feel like they're stuck in a pattern that is keeping them from being who they want to be. Therapists can help you see your pattern more clearly and move in a new direction.

    Therapy is a tool for people who want to feel seen & heard, who have experienced things that they aren't sure how to digest, or who would like help acknowledging and navigating their emotions.

    Therapy is a safe place for couples to talk about things that they may never broach alone, to identify patterns of communication that are hurtful, and to breathe new life into their old habits.

    Therapy is whatever YOU make it. It is yours!

  • In our first session, we will review the consent forms/intake paperwork that you filled out prior to session. Because I believe in the importance of the relationship between us in your healing process, I'll give you a little information about myself & ask you to tell me a little about what's important to you. I'll then ask you to share why you've chosen to seek therapy. The first session often feels like an info-dump and that is okay! It will take a few sessions for us to find our rhythm & really dig in. That's typical.

  • Couples therapy is a collaborative process of change. As your therapist, I am not here to decide how you should live or love each other! I'm just here to ask the question: is this working for you?

    In session, we will practice communicating thoughtfully, validating experiences, highlighting emotion, speaking clearly, asking for what we need, highlighting old patterns and exploring new possibilities. Sometimes, I'll ask you to replay disagreements from the week so that we can review them together. Sometimes, I'll ask you to provide some history about an aspect of your identity. Always, my goal is to allow you space to communicate with intention and advocate for your needs.

    *I am poly/kink affirming and overjoyed to work with all relational types.

  • In a past life, I was a middle school teacher. But in our therapy space, I do not have a lesson plan. :) I believe that YOU are the expert in your own life and I believe in the power of letting you name what you'd like to work on.

    Typically, I'll begin session by checking in with you and asking what feels important. Your goals set the tone for our sessions! As you share, I might highlight emotions that you're experiencing. I tend to point out patterns, help you identify body sensations, or ask you to pause and notice.

    As a yoga and mindfulness teacher, I love guiding clients through meditations, mindfulness exercises, or even brief stretch/movement practices.

    I value humanness in my approach and will also probably pause you to laugh, to cry, to ask questions, or to offer a stretch-break. :)

  • I do not believe that therapy lasts forever!

    When we first meet, we'll talk about your goals for therapy. I'll likely ask: "How will you know when we are done here?"

    We will meet weekly until you begin to meet some of your therapeutic goals and feel progress. Ending therapy is a collaborative process between us.

  • Absolutely. In fact, if I see you out in the Gayborhood, I can't even say hello to you first!

    Unless I have paperwork giving your consent to release information to a person/institution, I cannot even acknowledge that you are my client. Your private information is completely protected with me.

  • I am passionate about reducing the (immense) financial burden of accessing gender affirming care. for this reason, I write ALL gender affirming care letters for absolutely free.

    Send an email my way & let's set up a time to meet!

connect with me on instagram


book a free 15-minute phone call

Interested in working together? I’d love to chat in order to make sure that we’re a good fit!